Doctor's Choice Natural Medicine Practicum

  • Author: Eldon Dahl, DNM.
  • Level: Advanced
  • Study time: 9-12 hours
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Course overview
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  • Reading time: 12 hours
  • Video time: 3 hours
  • Quizzes: 9
  • Exams: 1

What's included?

  • 7 Chapters
  • 1 Certification
  • 340 Questions
  • 25 Video
  • 32 PDF

Increase Your Tool Chest 

You will learn the impetus behind each product formula that comprises the Doctor's Choice product line. Within the course are many strategies to treat clients with different wellness challenges. Topics of learning range from Glandular Therapy to Pain Management to Natural Anti-Aging and much more. 

History of Doctor's Choice

You will access over 35 years of Dahl's practical experience from operating in the Natural Health Industry.  Arranged and organized into a comprehensive series of units, this course will provide a treasure trove of insight and wisdom concerning the body's natural ability to heal itself - if it is given the opportunity!

Eldon Dahl, DNM.

Founder, CEO and Formulator at Doctor's Choice
Eldon has nearly three decades of experience in the naturopathic and natural healing industries. In his executive role with the company, Eldon oversees all the daily operations of Life Choice® Ltd. He also the product formulator and spearheads all health research into medical conditions—specifically anti-aging and chronic disease treatments. 
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